
Exports the i18n/I18nDecorator.I18nDecorator component and i18n/I18nDecorator.contextTypes validation rules.

import I18nDecorator from '@enact/i18n/I18nDecorator';


I18nDecoratorHigher-Order Component

i18n/I18nDecorator.I18nDecorator is a Higher Order Component that is used to wrap the root element in an app. It provides an rtl member on the context of the wrapped component, allowing the children to check the current text directionality as well as an updateLocale method that can be used to update the current locale.

There are no configurable options on this HOC.

import I18nDecorator from '@enact/i18n/I18nDecorator';


contextTypes is an object that exports the default context validation rules. These must be applied to any child components that wish to receive the i18n context.

import {contextTypes} from '@enact/i18n/I18nDecorator';
myComponent.contextTypes = contextTypes;