App Setup

To explore some more interesting features of ES6, React, and Enact, we’re going to pivot from our Hello, Enact! app to a new app: Kitten Browser. In this step, we will setup the module and create the initial App component to lay the foundation for the rest of the guide.

We’ll use the placeholder image site LoremFlickr to source our images. If you’re not a fan of kittens, you’re welcome to substitute a different keyword in the URLs. No judgements.

Directory Structure

+ App
	+ src						<-- All of our source code
		+ App					<-- The App component to be rendered into the DOM
			- App.js
			- package.json
		+ components			<-- Any reusable components for our App
			+ Kitten
		+ views					<-- Composite components that make up a distinct view of the app
		- index.js				<-- The entry point for the module
	- package.json				<-- Module meta-data


Let’s give our module a name and establish its dependencies. Edit package.json and update the name property.

  "name": "enact-tutorial-kitten-browser",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "A general template for an Enact Moonstone application.",
  "author": "",
  "main": "src/index.js",
  "scripts": { [omitted] },
  "license": "UNLICENSED",
  "private": true,	
  "repository": "",
  "enact": {
      "theme": "moonstone"
  "eslintConfig": {
      "extends": "enact"
  "dependencies": { [omitted] }


import React from 'react';
import {render} from 'react-dom';

import App from './App';

let appElement = (<App />);

// In a browser environment, render instead of exporting
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
		document.getElementById('root') // provided by Enact's HTML template

export default appElement;



	"main": "App.js"


At this point, our app looks a lot like Hello, Enact!'s App.js with a couple small changes. We won’t need any custom CSS for our App component so we’ve removed that import. We’ve also replaced the content with the basic markup for a single photo.

import kind from '@enact/core/kind';
import MoonstoneDecorator from '@enact/moonstone/MoonstoneDecorator';
import React from 'react';

const AppBase = kind({
	name: 'App',

	render: function (props) {
		return (
			<div className={props.className}>
					{/* For the feline-declined, you can replace the keyword below */}
					<img src="//" />

const App = MoonstoneDecorator(AppBase);

export default App;
export {App, AppBase};

JSX Hints

You might be wondering why the <img /> tag uses the self-closing syntax (/>). This is a requirement imposed by JSX, so whenever you include an element that doesn’t have any children, you must either use the self-closing syntax or explicitly close it (<img src=""></img>).

Comments in your code are helpful and JSX is no different. Comments in JSX must be within an expression to be correctly parsed by the plugin.


With the scaffolding in place, you should be able to fire up the Enact dev server and see Kitten Browser in action:

npm run serve

Kitten Browser Step 1

Tell the kids to avert their eyes!

In the Step 2 we’ll start to make our app more flexible and composable, as well as dive into another new feature of ES6: => arrow functions.

Next step: Kitten Browser: Step 2