Organizing Your App with Panels

In the previous step we built our list view and added some formatting to the Kitten component. Now, learn about the Panels components and move our list view into its own panel.

Creating a Panel

Let’s start by creating a new view component, Detail, which will be the future home of a detail view when a kitten is selected from the list view. We’ll import the Panel component as well as its Header. Unlike the other components we’ve encountered, the Panels-related components are all exposed as named exports on the @enact/moonstone/Panels module. Since they are generally used together, bundling them into a single module makes importing them a bit simpler.


import {Header, Panel} from '@enact/moonstone/Panels';
import kind from '@enact/core/kind';
import React from 'react';

const genders = {
	m: 'Male',
	f: 'Female'

const DetailBase = kind({
	name: 'Detail',

	propTypes: {
		color: React.PropTypes.string,
		gender: React.PropTypes.string,
		name: React.PropTypes.string,
		weight: React.PropTypes.number

	defaultProps: {
		gender: 'm',
		color: 'Tabby',
		weight: 9

	render: ({color, gender, name, weight,}) => (
		<Panel {}>
			<Header title={name} />
			<div>Gender: {genders[gender]}</div>
			<div>Color: {color}</div>
			<div>Weight: {weight}oz</div>

export default DetailBase;
export {DetailBase as Detail, DetailBase};

Hopefully, the code for a stateless component is beginning to look pretty familiar. We’ve declared a few props that our component will support. Since our data is only names, we’ve also added some default values to fill out the screen. We don’t need any computed properties right now nor any custom CSS so both of those keys have been omitted. The render method simply returns a Panel with a Header and some content.

There are a couple of things to discuss, however. First, we want to add a propType validator function on gender. Second, there is a bit of magic going on here with Panel and Header: the Slottable HOC.

When you define props in propTypes and defaultProps, the props names should be ordered alphabetically. See sort-prop-types for more information.

More Advanced PropTypes

We have a small problem with our Detail view. We don’t validate that the gender we receive matches one of the genders we expect. One way we can address that is to use propTypes to validate that we only receive the data we expect (at least, while we’re running the app in development mode). We can quickly change the validator to check the data for us:

gender: React.PropTypes.oneOf(['m', 'f']),

Using React.PropTypes.oneOf() allows us to specify a list of acceptable values for gender. In addition to the primitives we’ve used previously, React provides other validator functions you can use to limit possible values like above or validate more complex properties.

Validators, as mentioned, only run when in development mode. Further, they only warn if there is a problem. It’s still possible to pass bad data in. When data may come from sources you don’t control, you’ll want perform more validation, perhaps in a computed section.

Using Slottable to Distribute Children

The Slottable HOC was inspired by the Web Components Slot API as a means for consumers of a component to use a more semantic and “markup friendly” interface to its internal API. In general, you won’t need to know if a component is using Slottable but it’s worth spending a little time understanding how it works.

Slottable works by mapping children to props. This means that the component author is able to write idiomatic React components relying only on props whereas the component consumer can write more “markup friendly” code. The primary use case for Slottable is when a component expects a property to receive one or more elements rather than a primitive value.

Consider the case of the header property of Panel. The React way to specify a component for that property would be:

<Panel header={<Header title="Title" />}>
	<div>Panel Body</div>

With Slottable, you can write either the above code or the following:

	<Header title="Title" />
	<div>Panel Body</div>

This works because Panel has configured a header slot and the Header component has been pre-configured to use the header slot using a defaultSlot property set on the Header component. Another way to specify the target slot for a component is to add the slot property to your component instance. In this example, the first <div> tag will be mapped to the header property.

Note that the slot property will be removed from the <div> before being passed to the receiving component.

	<div slot="header">Title</div>
	<div>Panel Body</div>

Refactoring the List View

With the basics of Panels under our belts, refactoring our list into a Panel should be straightforward. We’ve only declared a single property, children, which will receive the array of kittens to display. The render method contains the same Panel setup code as above with the addition of the Repeater code from ./src/App/App.js.


import {Header, Panel} from '@enact/moonstone/Panels';
import kind from '@enact/core/kind';
import React from 'react';
import Repeater from '@enact/ui/Repeater';

import Kitten from '../components/Kitten';

const ListBase = kind({
	name: 'List',

	propTypes: {
		children: React.PropTypes.array

	render: ({children,}) => (
		<Panel {}>
			<Header title="Kittens!" />
			<Repeater childComponent={Kitten} indexProp="index">

export default ListBase;
export {ListBase as List, ListBase};


Moonstone provides 3 different patterns for a Panels-based app – basic, activity and always viewing. The basic pattern is the default export from @enact/moonstone/Panels and it provides a simple single Panel view filling the entire screen. The activity pattern, available as the named export ActivityPanels, is similar except that it allocates space on the left side for a single breadcrumb, allowing the user to navigate to the previous Panel. The always viewing pattern, available as the named export AlwaysViewingPanels, restricts the Panel to the right half of the screen with the left half used for multiple breadcrumbs.

Our Kitten Browser will use ActivityPanels, with the List as the first view and Detail as the second. We’ve kept the data here and will pass that down to List as children. It’s also notable that we’re using the spread operator on props directly. We don’t need to deconstruct any props for our App component so we’ll pass everything on to ActivityPanels.

import {ActivityPanels} from '@enact/moonstone/Panels';
import kind from '@enact/core/kind';
import MoonstoneDecorator from '@enact/moonstone/MoonstoneDecorator';
import React from 'react';

import Detail from '../views/Detail';
import List from '../views/List';

const kittens = [

const AppBase = kind({
	name: 'App',

	render: (props) => (
		<ActivityPanels {...props}>
			<Detail />

const App = MoonstoneDecorator(AppBase);

export default App;
export {App, AppBase};


In this fourth step of Kitten Browser, we’ve introduced the Panels components and how Slottable makes it easy to distribute children into a component in a more semantic and markup friendly format.

Next: State and Data Management