Migrating i18n

Adding Base Internationalization Support

The I18nDecorator is usually applied at the root level of an application and provides basic internationalization support to your application. It adds locale and text directionality CSS classes, provides automatic re-rendering when the locale changes via the onlanguagechange event, and adds context parameters for downstream components to update the locale or determine the current text directionality.

Note: MoonstoneDecorator automatically applies I18nDecorator by default but can be disabled by settings its i18n config property to false.

ilib Modules

ilib modules are supplied with the i18n library but can be imported using an enact cli provided shortcut:

Previous: enyo-ilib/[MODULE_NAME]

Current: ilib/[MODULE_NAME]

String translation

Previous: $L()

Current: $L()

import $L from '@enact/i18n/$L';

const MyTranslatedString = $L('Hello World');

String Translation - ilib string

Previous: $L.rb()

Current: toIString()

import {toIString} from '@enact/i18n/$L';

const MyIString = toIString('Hello IString');
const MyIStringText = MyIString.toString();

Updating the locale

Previous: The updateLocale() method of the enyo/i18n library could be invoked

Current: The updateLocale() method is available for any component whose ancestor is wrapped with the I18nDecorator, which provides this method as part of the Context API. I18nDecorator provides easy access via the I18nContextDecorator HOC which can provide the locale, rtl state, and updateLocale method via props by specifying the localeProp, rtlProp, and updateLocaleProp configuration options, respectively.

import Button from '@enact/moonstone/Button';
import {I18nContextDecorator} from '@enact/i18n/I18nDecorator';
import React from 'react';

const MyComponent = I18nContextDecorator(
	{updateLocaleProp: 'updateLocale'},
	class extends React.Component {
		setLocale = (locale) => () => {
			const {updateLocale} = this.props;

		render () {
			return (
					<Button onClick={this.setLocale('ar-SA')} size="small">ar-SA</Button>
					<Button onClick={this.setLocale('en-US')} size="small">en-US</Button>
					<Button onClick={this.setLocale('ko-KR')} size="small">ko-KR</Button>
					<Button onClick={this.setLocale('th-TH')} size="small">th-TH</Button>

Current Locale Text Directionality

Previous: Components could check the value of this.rtl

Current: The rtl state method is available for any component whose ancestor is wrapped with the I18nDecorator, which provides this value as part of the Context API. I18nDecorator provides easy access via the I18nContextDecorator HOC which can provide the locale, rtl state, and updateLocale method via props by specifying the localeProp, rtlProp, and updateLocaleProp configuration options, respectively.

import Button from '@enact/moonstone/Button';
import {I18nContextDecorator} from '@enact/i18n/I18nDecorator';
import React from 'react';

const MyComponent = I18nContextDecorator(
	{rtlProp: 'rtl'},
	class extends React.Component {
		render () {
			const {rtl} = this.props;

			return (
				<Button>My {rtl ? 'RTL' : 'LTR'} button</Button>

Determine Text Directionality

Previous: isRtl() provided by enyo/utils

Current: isRtlText() provided by @enact/i18n/util

import {isRtlText} from '@enact/i18n/util';

const isHebrewRtl = isRtlText('שועל החום');
const isEnglishRtl = isRtlText('LTR Text');

i18n Classes

Previous: enyo-locale-...

Current: enact-locale-...

.div .enact-locale-non-latin {
    background-color: green;