Using VirtualList, VirtualGridList and Scroller

This document describes VirtualList, VirtualGridList, and Scroller.


Basic usage of VirtualList and VirtualGridList

  • At least three props below are required to show a list properly.

    • dataSize: Size of the data.

    • itemSize: Size of an item for the list. This is a required prop, and you will get an error when you build an app in dev mode without it.

    • itemRenderer: The render function for an item of the list.

    • Example

          itemSize={{minWidth: ri.scale(180), minHeight: ri.scale(270)}}
  • If you want to provide spacing or other numeric properties, you have to specify them surrounded by braces, not by quotes.

        dataSize={this.items.length} //<-- numeric property
        itemSize={ri.scale(144)} //<-- numeric property
        spacing={ri.scale(20)} //<-- numeric property

Common rules of Items for VirtualList/VirtualGridList

  • A renderer for an item should be specified in itemRenderer prop in VirtualList.

  • VirtualList passes index, data-index, and childProps to the itemRenderer function.

  • Be sure you are passing {} to the item component for getting focus properly.

  • Make sure you are not using an inline function for itemRenderer.

  • If you want to scroll the list via 5-way navigation on the certain component in an item, you should pass data-index prop.

  • Example:

    items = []
    renderItem = ({index,}) => {
        return (
            <div {}>
    render = () => {
        return (
  • If you create a custom item, make sure you are passing props from parents (render function) to the child.

    const MyListItem = kind({
        render = (props) => { //<-- should pass props
            return (
                <div {...props}>
    renderItem = ({index,}) => {
        return (
            <MyListItem index={index} {} />

Items for VirtualGridList

  • ImageItem components can be used as items of VirtualGridList. They have Sandstone styling applied and have a placeholder image as a background.

  • caption and subCaption are supported.

  • For showing Sandstone’s selection overlay, set selectionOverlayShowing to true. (default is false)

  • selected prop shows item’s status of selection.

  • source prop should be set to URL path. (e.g. source="http://XXXX/image.png" , source="../assets/image.png")

  • Example:

    renderItem = ({index,}) => {
        const {text, subText, source} = this.items[index];
        return (


Basic usage of Scroller

  • Make sure you specify width and height of Scroller.

  • You can specify the scrollable direction with direction props. Valid values are both, horizontal, and vertical.

  • Example:

    .scroller {
        height: 1100px;
        width: 960px;
        <div className={css.content}>
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.<br />

Using scrollTo() method in VirtualList/VirtualGridList and Scroller

  • Prop cbScrollTo is a callback function.

    • VirtualList, VirtualGridList, and Scroller provide cbScrollTo prop which can be set to a callback function that will receive the scrollTo() method.
    • The callback function is called just once when a list or a scroller is created to prevent repeated calls when a list or a scroller is updated.
    • Do not change cbScrollTo prop after a list or a scroller is initially rendered. It does not have any effect.
  • The binding of a callback function

  • Example:

    class SampleApp extends React.Component {
        constructor (props) {
            this.y = 0;
        getScrollTo = (scrollTo) => { // callback function to get scrollTo method; arrow function (ES6) is recommended to make sure `this` binding.
            this.scrollTo = scrollTo;
        doSomething = () => {
            this.scrollTo({position: {y: this.y + offset}, animate: true}); // call the function of SampleApp, not a list.
        render = () => {
            return (
                    cbScrollTo={this.getScrollTo} // pass callback function
  • Example:

    this.scrollTo({position: {y: 100}, animate: false}); // scroll y position to 100px without animation
    this.scrollTo({position: {x: 100, y: 200}); // scroll to (100px, 200px) position; animation is enabled if omitted
    this.scrollTo({align: 'bottom'}); // scroll to the bottom
    this.scrollTo({align: 'lefttop'}); // scroll to the left top position; identical to {position: {x: 0, y:0}}
    this.scrollTo({index: 20}); // VirtualList/VirtualGridList only; scroll to the 21st item; index is counting from 0
    this.scrollTo({index: 20, focus: true}); // VirtualList/VirtualGridList only; scroll to the 21st item and focus on the item
    this.scrollTo({node: childNode}); // Scroller only; scroll to the child node.
    this.scrollTo({node: childNode, focus: true}); // Scroller only; scroll to the child node and focus on the node.

Event Callbacks for VirtualList/VirtualGridList and Scroller

  • You can specify callback functions for scroll events.

  • When you scroll on a list or a scroller, onScrollStart, onScroll, and onScrollStop events fire.

  • Each event sends an object with scrollLeft, scrollTop, and moreInfo properties in it.

  • For VirtualList/VirtualGridList, moreInfo has firstVisibleIndex and lastVisibleIndex.

  • It is recommended not to call setState() in onScroll event callback.

  • Example:

    handlerOnScrollStart = () => {
        this.setState({message: 'startScroll'});
    handlerOnScroll = ({scrollTop}) => {
        this.y = scrollTop;
    handlerOnScrollStop = ({scrollTop}) => {
        this.y = scrollTop;
        this.setState({message: 'scrollStopped'});
    render = () => {
        return (