Adding Sandstone Support

In the previous part of Hello Enact!, we covered the benefits of stateless components and introduced the kind() factory. In this final part, we’ll discuss Higher-order Components (HoCs) and how the @enact/sandstone/ThemeDecorator HoC can be used to quickly and easily add Sandstone styling and features to our application.

Higher-order Components

In the simplest sense, Higher-order Components (HoCs) are functions that accept React components and return React components. They are useful for encapsulating common behavior, markup, and property transformations, which can later be applied to other components as needed.

Enact provides several HoCs, as well as a factory method, @enact/core/hoc, to create your own. All Higher-order Components within Enact support an optional configuration object to customize their behavior. The first HoC we’ll encounter is ThemeDecorator.

If you are coming from a background in frameworks that use mixins, Higher-order Components may sound similar. While they are conceptually similar, HoCs provided better encapsulation, resulting in fewer clashes between the implementations of disparate features.

Dan Abramov has offered a good perspective on the change to React to deprecate mixin support that may be informative.


@enact/sandstone/ThemeDecorator is a Higher-order Component that adds sandstone styling and several add-ons that are commonly used by sandstone applications: multi-resolution support, internationalization support, and Spotlight support.

Sandstone Styling

The first change you’ll notice after applying ThemeDecorator is the color and font changes which come from the .sand CSS class. Since Sandstone apps are designed to run full screen, ThemeDecorator also applies the global utility class .enact-fit, which uses absolute positioning to fill the available space.

Multi-Resolution Support

Since Sandstone targets televisions that have different resolutions (720p, 1080p, 4k, and beyond!), Enact provides a set of tools to enable scaling applications for a consistent layout across resolutions. One part of the solution is less-plugin-resolution-independence, a LESS plugin that adapts pixel measurements to relative measurements. The second part is @enact/ui/resolution which provides the capabilities to set the correct base size for the current resolution as well as utilities to work with resolution independent measurements in components.

On top of this, Sandstone establishes a set of screen types for our supported television resolutions that are configured for the application by ThemeDecorator.

Internationalization Support

In order to support delivery of applications to multiple locales, Enact integrates with the iLib internationalization library through our own module, @enact/i18n. This module provides the glue between the two code bases to correctly load locale resources and expose the results within an Enact app.

ThemeDecorator uses I18nDecorator, a HoC from the @enact/i18n module, to add the appropriate CSS classes for the locale. I18nDecorator is also responsible for passing the rtl flag and updateLocale method to the app via React’s context.

Spotlight Support

Sandstone applications must support 5-way navigation and selection to allow them to be used with only a remote control. The @enact/spotlight module provides the logic to support this and it is bootstrapped into a Sandstone app via ThemeDecorator and the SpotlightRootDecorator.

All Sandstone components that should be navigable via 5-way already include the necessary support out of the box. If you build your own components, you may need to add your own spotlight support using Spottable from @enact/spotlight/Spottable.

Updating App.js

To use a Higher-order Component you’ve imported, pass another component (or DOM node name) to the HoC, optionally including the configuration object. For ThemeDecorator, you can opt out of internationalization, resolution independence, or spotlight support by setting i18n, ri, or spotlight respectively to false. For our sample application, we will use the defaults.

import ThemeDecorator from '@enact/sandstone/ThemeDecorator';

const AppBase = kind({
	// omitted for brevity

const App = ThemeDecorator(AppBase);
export default App;
export {

Note: We’ve renamed the stateless component from App to AppBase. The Enact framework uses this convention to distinguish between stateless components and their wrapped or stateful versions. If you need to use the stateless version of a component, it will be exported as a named export with Base appended to the name.

You may find this convention useful with your components so that module exports are predictable.


This section introduced ThemeDecorator, which adds key styling and features for applications targeting the TV. If you have been following along, you now have a basic Sandstone app welcoming you to Enact.

Hello Sandstone!

We won’t take this application any further but will use the same foundation to build out the next sample, Kitten Browser, a basic image browsing app that will introduce configuring components, handling events, managing data, and the components available in @enact/ui and @enact/sandstone.